Sunday, 3 January 2010

Well, hello again!

Well, hello!

A rather long absence, but a new year would be a good time for a new start, I thought. So here I am, back again! I hesitate to tag it with a New Years Resolution, as that seems to be a kiss of death, so I'll just say I'm trying to get my groove back!

Hard to explain the absence; I don't have a note from my mum or anything. Not even a really good excuse if I'm honest. I have been doing odds and ends - even managed to sell a few things, too. Probably more odds Maybe I'll add them to Flickr when I get the photos off the external hard drive that decided to fail just before Christmas. Or not.

Played with tin cans and felt today and this is what I came up with:

Flowers cut from felt and a Foster's can. Made quite a few and thought I should do something with them, so I tried a necklace

Changed the colour scheme to purple and cut a larger flower.

but it just wasn't big enough for a brooch on it's own; it definately needed bigging up

So here it is! It felt really good to be making things for the fun of it, with no deadline and the chance to play. Such a shame the time will disappear into my day job.
Here's hoping for a snow day or three!

1 comment:

  1. hi nice to see you back in the land of blog
    the flowers from a fosters and felt look lovely what a great idea...
